2018 is fast on its way and you might be considering updating your servers. It could be to increase system performance and efficiency, or to accommodate the rising needs and requirements of your business, or perhaps your trusted server has been in use just long enough that it’s time it is upgraded. The recommended period for server upgrades is five to six years by the way so if you’re close to, or hitting that mark then you should definitely start preparing for one.

Technologies change, get replaced, and die out completely. To stay on top of things every successful business and organization upgrades their servers after the recommended period or earlier if required. Here are some tips that can help you better prepare for a server upgrade in 2018.

Version Planning

If you’re eagerly heading in to upgrade your server, you need to slow down and consider this very carefully. Version planning means a careful examination of all the software systems and programs currently in your use to ensure whether they’re even compatible to run with the server upgrade you’re installing. It would be very frustrating to find out that a business-critical software is having issues or not running altogether after a server upgrade so plan accordingly.

Use Planning

Your current use requirements will not always stay the same. If currently your requirements are limited to filing and printing services and in the future, you decide to support high volume databases on the same server then that will not be supported. Use planning is all about planning accordingly with respect to your future needs. Choose a system for your next server upgrade that doesn’t meet, but exceeds your needs even now and down the road so you don’t face such problems.

Capacity Planning

You wouldn’t try and fit 200 hundred employees into an office space designed for 100. So why would you even try to do that with your server?  When we talk about the capacity of a server we don’t just refer to its storage capabilities but its ability to grow as well. Your plans for growth, whether it be related to staff, or expanding your business to introduce even more features for your customers are some of the deciding factors that dictate capacity planning. Determine the data you currently have, make growth estimates and plan accordingly for the future.

Have a Verified Data Backup

There is no guarantee that when a server is powered down it will come back online as well. Though such instances are rare, it is a chance you absolutely can not take. Before making even the smallest change, or even a minor upgrade, make sure that a verified data backup exists.  

Avoid Multiple Simultaneous Changes

As an IT professional, you understand the need and importance of minimizing server restarts. This is what tempts inexperienced individuals into completing multiple simultaneous upgrades using a single shutdown. Every change, however, especially when it comes to hardware upgrades, should be done separately, so that if the system starts giving you trouble a few days later, you are quickly and easily able to isolate the problem.

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